czwartek, 29 października 2009

Pani bombka :)

Żeby nie było za dużo to z botków ściągłam łańcuchy, fajnie bo mogę sobie je dokładać i ściągać kiedy zechce gdyż nie są pszyszyte :) Tą ładną bombeczkę mam z wymiany na szafie :) pod nią cekinowy top żeby było bardziej imprezowo :) Marynarkę i wężowe legginsy już widzieliście... 

Ps. Przepraszam za kiepską jakość zdjęć :/

Ps. Zapomniałam dodać, że zrobiłam sobie kreski na oczętach poraz pierwszy elainer'em, hehe :D

kapelusz - od mamy
marynarka - sh
bombka - z wymiany
botki - castella
kopertówka - od babci
pasek - sh
cekinowy top - orsay

środa, 28 października 2009

Moje must have na jesień...

Jestem zakochana w tych rzeczach, ach... :) perełki :)

wtorek, 27 października 2009

Julia M.

Dzisiaj znów nietypowy post bo nie ja w nim będę grała główną rolę tylko następna moja bohaterka :) czyli kolejna dziewczyna, która jest moją modową inspiracją... Julia jest szaloną 19-latką pochodzącą z Toronto. Jej kreacje połączone z idealną figurą zachwycają mnie niesamowicie :)

Zatem poznajmy nieco Julię :) 

Unusual post again today because I am not there I only played a major role next my hero :) or another girl, who is my fashion inspiration ... Julia is a crazy 19-year-old comes from Toronto. Her creations combined with the ideal figure of delight me tremendously :) 

Getting to know a little, therefore, Julia :)

1. What do you do every day? What you are interested in?

"What do I do everyday? Hm that's hard to answer. My life is a pretty unorganized and an unpredictable unscheduled mess. If I'm not doodling, I'm at school, and when I'm not at school slaving away at paintings or essays I'm at home complaining about the weather, practicing the piano, sleeping, drinking coffee or shopping. I can tell you however, that I'm never bored..I always seem to have something to eat up my time."

2. Where did the idea of running a blog come from?

"I needed one for my first year of school in some digital media class I took, and then I just decided to keep it since people seemed interested."

3. Where do you draw inspiration? You have a fashion idol?

"My inspiration stems from different things everyday---its rarely consistent. I'm finding that music is one of the largest contributes for my inspiration though, I can't go anywh ere without my I-pod. And as for fashion idols? Well I have a lot. Karl Lagerfeld, Marc Jacobs for sure, and I'm really starting to appreciate some of the stuff the Olsen twins have done. Keira Knightley looks good in everything she wears and I love her. I used to be obsessed with Agyness Deyn and her boyish style. But I think its easy to be fashionable when you have money spewing out from underneath you, so the true idols I look up to now are the ones I've met here in Toronto--who basically mix and match from here and there. The street style here sometimes lacks uniqueness, but when you find someone with true originality, its really mind-blowing and absolutely admirable."

4. Who do you want to become in the future? Do you have any plans related to fashion?

"Someone asked me a few days ago if I was going to school for fashion, and I was a little disappointed that I was not, like "whatt the hell? YA! I should be in fashion right now!". I think its something I want to look into after I finish my program at OCAD. And I definitely see myself taking some time off to travel and see the world. Finally get a chance to relax."

5. How would you describe your style?

"I wouldn't. But I aim to put my own spin on current trends all the time. Feel comfortalbe, get a reaction, be fearless---ya I'd call that a style if I had to."

6. Your favorite designer?

"Ohh boy I have a lot. Right now? Currently? I would have to say Jeffrey Campbell, because holy shit that guy can make a killer shoe."

7. Your favorite piece of clothing?

"My favourite piece of clothing that I own are my liquid leggings, because for about a month I've lived in them and they go with absolutely everything. Dress it down, dress it up, do whatever you do with leggings--and more. Must have in my opinion."

8. What kind of clothes occupy your closet the most?

"Anything that's black, gray or white. Yup. I got lots of that."

9. What do you do that allows you to have such nice figure? :)

"Haha! Oh God you're going to hate me, but I was born this way--and look like this naturally. I don't think I've ever watched what I ate, which is very bad. You may think its great to have such a fast metabolism, but its very frustrating not being able to gain weight. As for exercise, I walk a lot, and swim TONS in the summer."

10. The thing which you think will reign on the streets in 2010?

"Oh who knows? All these things from the 70's and 80's are coming back, like leather jackets and studs, crazy hairbands and wicked layering. I hope in 2010 designers play with fabric with complete fearlessness and originality--bring it on!"

Thanks Julia :*

xoxo anwari ;)

piątek, 23 października 2009

Moje saszki <3

Hmm... mój must have to saszki inspirowane butami wielkich projektantów :) Niestety na owe nie było mnie stać tak jak nawet aktualnie na piękne szaszki z zary czy innych sieciówek więc postanowiłam kupić tanie czarne wymarzone buciki za 49 zł i poeksperymentować :) Trudno nie było bo ze starego paska pożyczyłam ćwieki, cienki paseczek od torebki ucięłam, przyozdobiłam go ćwiekami, dodałam łańcuszki i wyszedł mi mój bardzo oczekiwany must have na jesień :)


Rajstopy to prezent od gatty za ciekawą szafe ;) hehe :) 

sweterek - C&A
kwiatek - sh 0,50 zł
sukienka - sh
rajstopy - gatta
buty - cropp
bransoletka - ?

czwartek, 22 października 2009


marynarka - sh
bluzka - orsay
legginsy - w wężowy wzorek którego nie widać :/
buty - sh, nowe :)

środa, 21 października 2009

sobota, 17 października 2009

Tiffany A.

Dziś mała niespodzianka, pierwszy i napewno nie ostatni raz :)

Natomiast, mam zamiar przeprowadzać mini wywaiady z osabami których styl mnie inspiruje... Pierwszą osobą która zgodziła się odpowiedzieć na kilka moich pytań jest właśnie Tiffany, przemiła 19-latka pochodząca z Californi... Dzięki temu iż zgodziła się ze mną porozmawiać i zdradzić kilka ciekawych rzeczy możemy ją lepiej poznać :) 

 Today a small surprise, the first and certainly not the last time:)

By contrast, I intend to carry out mini-interviews with people whose style inspires me ... The first person who agreed to answer some of my questions is the Tiffany and delightful 19-year-old coming from California ... Thus it has agreed to talk to me and reveal some interesting things we can get to know :) 

Welcome Tiffany!
I am very happy that you found time to answer some of my questions.
Here in Poland you are an inspiration to many girls.

"Hi! I finished answering the questions. Thank you so much for finding interest in me. Let me know if you need anything else. Also, if you want to use any photos from my blog, you're welcome to! :)"

1. What do you do every day? What you are interested?

"I usually work throughout the week and when I have time, I go to shows. Aside from fashion, I'm very interested in music, more specifically the piano."

2. Where did the idea of running a blog?

"Well, I used to post my outfits in a community on livejournal and a few people told me that I should start a blog. Once I found time, I took their advice."

3. How do we draw inspiration? You have a fashion idol?

"I think that you can draw inspiration from anything and everything. I love getting inspiration from novels because the author helps guide your imagination with fictional characters. My fashion idol would have to be Blair Waldorf, a character in the TV show/book Gossip Girl. She dresses very feminine and is always well tailored."

4. Who want to become in the future? Do you have any plans related to fashion?

"I would really love to design clothes. I alter most of my clothes already and I definitely feel like it would be a good field for me. If I'm unable to do fashion design, I'd love to work somewhere in the fashion industry, whether it's styling, modeling or even writing."

5. How would you describe your style?

"It's very feminine and sometimes edgy. I like to wear a lot of prints and patterns, as well as bows."

6. Your favorite designer?

"Marc Jacobs. I love him more than most things."

7. Your favorite clothing, a gadget?

"I just bought a skirt from Marc Jacobs. It's a full, high waisted, circle skirt and has a huge bow at the waist. I have yet to wear it out, but it quickly became my favorite item the moment I saw it."

8. What kind of clothes you have much in the closet?

"I have lots and lots of skirts. Probably too many."

9. What do you do that you have such nice figure?

"I really don't do much. The only exercise I do are sit ups. Also, I eat pretty healthy and I drink lots of water. I have an extremely fast metabolism so it’s very hard for me to gain weight."

10. The thing which you think will reign on the streets in 2010?

"I think polka dots will soon be in, as well as double breasted jackets/coats, ruffled tops and peplum skirts. I’m actually very excited for 2010, because these are all my favorite things and I’m glad bows will still be in."

Thanks Tiffany :*

xoxo anwari ;) 

wtorek, 13 października 2009


A tak ostatnio widziałam, że na kilku blogach modne stało się dodawanie swojej biżuterii, więc ja też znalazłam swoje małe świecidełka i zrobiłam im zdjęcia, wiadomo nie wszystkim tylko tym lepszym ;) 


    And so recently I saw that on a few blogs, it became fashionable to add your jewelry, so I also found their little trinkets, and I did them pictures, known not only all the better ;)

poniedziałek, 5 października 2009


Tak dla odmiany zdjęcia zestawów czarno białe ponieważ w kolorze i tak takie są :)

Co poza tym? Kombinezon kupiłam dziś z metkami w sh za 10 zł. Kocham lumpeksy :D


So for a variety of sets in black and white photos as color, and so are:)

What else? I bought a suit today in sh labels for 10 zl.  love sh :D

bransoletki - opia
okulary - C&A
botki - castella
kurtka - allegro
legginsy - gatta
kombinezon - atmosphere
kozaki - sklep internetowy

legginsy zeberka - miejski sklepik

bluzka z żabotem - hamerykańska

buty z kokardką - evie